Johnathon Roach

A Creative Nerd

A creative, seduced by the dev side, curiosity has been a common theme over my career; born over years of challenging an ever-changing world with the will to dare to keep up. As I seek balance between two different professions, I work as a force of influence not to change minds but to open perceptions. This is my story so far...

Johnathon Roach: My Work

The Full Stack

The scope of my work speaks to my fascination with technology. This curiosity brought me out of design into development because I enjoy understanding the "how" as much as the "why". Over the years, I have had opportunities to work in PHP, JavaScript and .net. Today, I work primarily in Laravel, Vue, React and NodeJS. I still keep a foot in design and try to use my background to compliment my development. To me, this stuff is magic!

Laravel JavaScript VueJS React NodeJS

Johnathon Roach: About Me

What is a Roach?

From Normandy came a horde of warriors to the coveted lands of Hibernia. Roach was their crest - a symbol of three ruddy fish on a shield of red. The Normans loved the land they came to take but were ultimately conquered not with weapons of war but by the culture and beauty they came to change.

In love, there is no war and all work is effortless.

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Johnathon Roach

Shameless self-photo of Johnathon